What is content amplification and why do brands need it?

It’s a tale as old as time. You pitched your best and most creative story, and it’s not getting the engagement or traction you expected.

The internet is becoming increasingly saturated with material, and consumers' expectations are rising, as are their attention spans. Due to fierce competition, editorial visibility has decreased. Marketers are fighting to break through the noise with earned stories that may be similar to several other brands, regardless of their differentiators.

Here at Easy, we are advocates of content amplification as a very important pillar of your media relations tactics. Content amplification, or paid amplification, is critical to ensuring that your target audience sees and interacts with your content. Paid dollars behind stories through custom content or advertorial partnerships can help gain more traction for your brand.

Content amplification lets you control when, where, and how frequently your target consumers see your material. It is highly targeted and dependable since you create, manage and pay for it. In this instance, it generates quick results.

Earned media relations is a successful and vital marketing approach, but it is strengthened when a budget is set aside to promote your content on the appropriate channels to the appropriate audience and get the reach you deserve.

Content is king. Work with us to help you develop your content and ensure the right eyes see it. We build content amplification strategies for media relations, influencer marketing and more. Through content amplification, you can showcase your expertise and provide important industry insights to your ideal platforms.


User-Generated Content for Brands


What is User-Generated Content?